Blog details

Blog ID
Unique ID of the blog. Mandatory, can only be modified by a super administrator.
Blog name
Name of the blog, mandatory. It can be modified at any time without any impact on the blog operation.
Blog URL
Full blog URL. Mandatory, can only be modified by a super administrator.
URL scan method
Defines the way the URL is read. PATH_INFO is recommended, QUERY_STRING has to be used if PATH_INFO does not work. Using PATH_INFO mode, the blog URL must end with a "/" and using QUERY_STRING, it must end with an "?".
Blog status
Blog description
Here you can put any description you want for your blog. This is a simple text, without any formatting.

Blog configuration

Blog editor's name
Name of the person responsible for the blog. It may be the owner or the publisher if there is one. This information will be displayed in the blog feed.
Default language
Language of the blog interface. Either this language is amongst the avalaible ones, and the interface will be translated, or it is not, and the interface will be in English by default.
Blog timezone
Defines the timezone that will be used for comments and trackbacks.
Copyright notice
Note about the reproduction rights for the blog.
New post URL format
Dropdown list to select the URL format.
HTML tag for the title of the notes on the blog
Dropdown list to select an HTML tag.
XML/RPC interface
Allows external clients to interact with your blog via the XML/RPC protocol. After activation the required parameters to be set in your external clients are displayed.

Comments and trackbacks

Accept comments
Globally accepts comments on the blog. Takes precedence over the per post setting.
Moderate comments
With this option, comments will be published only after editor's agreement.
Leave comments open for X days
The number of days during wich comments will be open after the post publication. When empty, the comments will be kept open indefinitly.
Wiki syntax for comments
Allows a subset of the wiki syntax to be used in comments.
Accept trackbacks
Globally accepts trackbacks on the blog. Takes precedence over the per post setting.
Moderate trackbacks
With this option, trackbacks will be published only after editor's agreement.
Leave trackbacks open for X days
The number of days during wich trackbacks will be open after the post publication. When empty, the trackbacks will be kept open indefinitly.
Add "nofollow" relation on comments and trackbacks links
Adds an attribute on links in comments and trackbacks, instructing the search bots not to follow them. This antispam features has yet to prove its value.

Blog presentation

Date format
Defines the date format for the blog posts. See the "Format reference" section below for more information. You can use the dropdown list to quickly select a pre-existing pattern.
Time format
Defines the time format for the blog posts. See the "Format reference" section below for more information. You can use the dropdown list to quickly select a pre-existing pattern.
Display smilies on entries and comments
Turns some strings like :-) or ;-) into pictures.
Display X entries per page
Will display X entries on the blog main page as well as in the different categories.
Display X entries per feed
Will display X entries in the blog feeds.
Display X comments per feed
Will display X comments in the blog comments feeds.
Truncate feeds
This option will only provide an abstract from the blog posts in the feeds.
Include sub-categories in category page and category posts feed
When this option is activated, posts in sub-categories will be displayed in the parent categories pages as well as in their feeds.

Media and images

Generated image sizes (in pixels)
When you add an image in the media manager, other sizes are automatically generated. Here you can define the dimension of the longest size (width or heigth) of each type of generated images. If you leave one field empty, the media manager will not create the corresponding miniature.
Default image insertion attributes
The selected settings will apply on all the new images added to the media manager.
Inserted image title
Select the format of the "title" tags applied to your images, based on information retrieved from the images metadata.
Use original media date if possible
When this option is activated, if the image metadata contains a date, it will be used. If not, the upload date will be used.
Size of inserted image
Defines the default size used when inserting an image in a blog post.
Image alignment
Defines the default alignment used when inserting an image in a blog post.
Insert a link to the original image
When this option is activated, the pictures inserted in a blog post will be clickable and point to the original-sized picture.

Search engines robots policy

Here you can indicate if you want Web search engines to index and/or archive your pages or not. Select the last option if you do not want people to be able to find your blog using a Web search engine.


You can set the number of days after which you want the junk comments to be automatically deleted. Leave that field blank (or put 0) to deactivate this feature.


Lists this blog's users as well as their permissions.

Format reference

Some fields can be configured to format the date and time to your needs. Here is a reference: