
Blogroll allows you to display on your blog a list of links to other blogs or websites that you wish to suggest to your visitors.

Your links and categories are displayed here. Categories are displayed in bold. You can reorder this list by dragging its items upwards or downwards. Once done, click on Save order. The order chosen here will be applied to links displayed on your blog with the Blogroll widget.
Click on a link or category name to edit it.
Delete selected links
Allows you to delete links or categories by checking the boxes next to each of them.

Add a link

Add a category

Links categories allow you to classify links displayed by the Blogroll widget.
They are displayed in bold characters. Enter the name of the category you would like to create and press Save.

Import links

This option allows you to import links from an OPML (RSS feed format) or XBEL (format to share bookmarks) file.