b2evolution Automated Install/Upgrade

Updated for version 6.6+

See the online manual for additional information.


This document describes how you can most easily automate the installation of b2evolution on a hosting account.

This document also addresses automated upgrade of b2evolution.

Intended audience

Operating environment

b2evolution is a PHP + MySQL web application. Please see our System Requirements page for details.


Automated installation of web applications such as b2evolution typically involves these steps:

  1. Place the application files in the destination directory.
  2. Create a MySQL User, Database and privileges of the user on the database.
  3. Run the install/setup script of the application.
  4. Delete the installer.

Recommended Auto Install procedure

1. Place the application files in the destination directory

We recommend you prompt the user for a directory to install b2evolution into. If he provides an empty directory, b2evolution would be installed in his web root. This is the recommended default as b2evolution is a complete engine allowing to run a complete website (or even more if there are domain aliases pointing to the same folder.)

Let's assume the user chose to install into the root folder (www/).

Once the destination directory selected/created, you need to copy all the contents of the b2evolution package into the destination directory www/.

File permissions

You should make sure that the contents of the www/media/ directory are writable by PHP. This is the place where the user can upload pictures to insert in his blog posts, etc.

2. Create a MySQL database

You will need to provide b2evolution with a database where it will create its own tables.

3. Run the install script

At this point you can call b2evolution's install script through an HTTP GET request (wget, cURL, etc..) of this form:


Use this form to generate an automated install test URL:


leave blank for auto detection

DB Access

Admin Account

b2evolution may decide to use "admin" if you provide an invalid login. The installer will tell you the final login used. (see "Detect success" below).

Leave blank to get a random pwd. b2evolution may decide to use a random password if you provide an invalid password. The installer will tell you the final password used. (see "Detect success" below).

Technical options


b2evolution comes with a sample.htaccess file that it will try to copy to .htaccess. This will fail if there is already a .htaccess file present. Please make sure b2evolution can install its own .htaccess file or many features related to parsing extended URLs will fail.

Detect errors:

If you parse the output of the installer, you will find that potential errors will be marked in <evo:error>...</evo:error> and warnigns with <evo:warning>...</evo:warning>.

Here is a list of all possible errors & warnings:

Detect success:

You can detect that installation has been successful by parsing the output and locating the string <evo:password> .

Furthermore, you can parse out the password that has been created for the user by parsing it out between <evo:password> and </evo:password>. Example:


4. Delete the install folder

At this point, the www/install/ folder is no longer needed. We recommend you delete it, both to save space and improve security.

Note: when upgrading, you will need a new version of the install folder. So there is really no point in keeping the old one.

Recommended Auto Upgrade procedure

Any newer version of b2evolution can upgrade its database from any older version. It will also refuse to update if for some reason you try to "downgrade" it.

0. Detecting which version of b2evolution is installed

Open the file www/conf/_application.php and parse out the line that says:

$app_version = '6.1.0-alpha';

You can safely ignore the part after the hyphen (-). The version number will always change when a new version is released.

You can compare this version number with the new one you have available.

Note: if using PHP, you can use version_compare() which does all the work for you.

1. Getting confirmation that the user wants to upgrade

You should warn the user that any customizations he may have added to his existing b2evolution may not work properly with the new version. This especially applies to custom skins, custom plugins and custom locales (translations).

Optionally, you may want to provide checkboxes for the following:

2. Replacing the files

Delete all files & folders from the b2evolution root folder except:

After that, copy all files from the new b2evolution's distribution package.

3. Upgrading the database

At this point you can call b2evolution's install script through an HTTP GET request (wget, cURL, etc..) of this form:


Use this form to generate an automated upgrade test URL:


Technical options

4. Delete the install folder

At this point, the www/install/ folder is no longer needed. We recommend you delete it, both to save space and improve security.

Note: when upgrading again, you will need a new install folder. So there is really no point in keeping the old one.